Difference Iranian caviar

Difference Iranian caviar with Chinese caviar

Iranian caviar is one of the most popular and most famous caviar species in the world. There are several reasons why caviar is expensive for China caviar.

  • Unique taste of caviar in Iran
  • Understanding caviar characteristics and maintaining the caviar’s properties through traditional storage and packaging
  • Coarse size of caviar in Iran
  • Compliance with standard principles during caviar storage and packaging of caviar according to international standards

Iranian caviar

Caviar is one of the oldest feeds

Caviar is one of the oldest feeds

Caviar is one of the oldest feeds
Caviar is one of the oldest feeds. Caviar is a high-energy food that taste and smell is very pleasant. Generally protein found in Caviar consists amino acids, histamine, isoleucine, lysine and methionine. The fat in caviar is also divided into two major categories that include “cholesterol by 25%” and ” lecithin by 75%”. Caviar consumption preventing depression and cardiovascular disease, because that in caviar concentration of omega-3 fatty acids is very high. But Caviar is considered the most valuable and most expensive global foods that is grown in Iran. Caviar has different types ranging from Beluga caviar, black caviar and so on.

Caviar is one of the oldest feed

Caviar is one of the oldest feed

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